Pijantung kecil (Arachnothera longirostra) adalah spesies burung dari keluarga Nectariniidae, dari genus Arachnothera. Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan nektar pisang, jahe-jahean, serangga, ulat, laba-lab dan memiliki habitat di hutan bukit, dataran rendah, hutan sekunder, perkebunan, pekarangan. tersebar sampai ketinggian 2.000 mdpl.

The little spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra) is a species of long-billed nectar-feeding bird in the family Nectariniidae found in the moist forests of South and Southeast Asia. This particular bird feeds on flowering plants where they obtain nectar, ginger, insects, caterpillar, and spiders. They usually live in forest hills, lowlands, secondary forest, plantations and they are scattered at an altitude of 2,000 meters above the sea level.


Latin Name : Arachnothera longirostra

Common Name : Little spiderhunter

Local Name : Pijantung kecil