Cica-daun sayap-biru adalah sejenis burung pengicau dari suku Chloropseidae. Burung yang berukuran sedang, panjang tubuh total (diukur dari ujung paruh hingga ujung ekor) sekitar 17 cm. Burung yang tidak mudah teramati di alam, karena tersamar oleh warnanya. Kecuali apabila terdengar kicauannya yang merdu. Menghuni hutan primer dan sekunder tua di dataran rendah serta perbukitan sampai ketinggian 1.000 m di Sumatra, dan sampai 1.500 m di Jawa.

The Blue-winged cica-leafbird is a type of bird from the Chloropseidae tribe. This is a medium size bord, with a body length of about 17cm (measured from the end of the beak to the tip of the tail). This particular bird is not easily found in the wild due to their natural colors. Except when you hear their chirp. It inhabits in the primary and secondary forest in the lowlands and hills to an altitude of 1.000m in Sumatra and up to 1.500m in Java.


Latin Name : Chloropsis cochinchinensis

Common Name : Blue-winged Leafbird

Local Name : Cica-daun Sayap-biru