Artha Graha Peduli’s Green Society program has been operating in TWNC since 1996. Designed to slowly and progressively increase the intensity to recover the damage TWNC has experienced in the past including:

  • Reforestation by planting trees which covers many different types of endemic species such as Waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus), Bayur (Pterospermum javanicum) and Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum). Around 100,000 trees have been planted since 1996.
  • Protecting the forest by assisting Indonesian forest patrols, AGP’s personnel are not only protecting the forest using the required force, but also through soft approaches such as giving short courses to the villagers surrounding TWNC on the importance and significance of maintaining our forests for biodiversity, oxygen agricultural production for future generations to come.
  • Empowering the people and villagers surrounding TWNC to work and assist the AGP’s green activities in revitalizing the severely deforested forest.
  • Endangered Animal Rescue and Conservation Efforts such as the Sumatran Tigers rehabilitation’s.

In 2010, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that there were only around 400 wild tigers left in the whole of Sumatra. In this field, AGP works closely with Panthera, a non-governmental organization focusing on Big Cats to recover as many Sumatran wild tigers as possible.

Aside from Sumatran Tigers, AGP also assists in releasing other endangered animals including Trenggiling (Manis javanica) and sea turtles (Chelonioidea). AGP continues to monitor and assist with the Indonesian government to relocate conflict wild Sumatran Tigers, which AGP has been doing since 2007.

In total, AGP has relocated at least 8 tigers, released 5 tigers to the wild 3 cubs baby tigers where born in a story of ‘miracle birth’.